142. Effective ways to improve communication in a romantic relationship

Romantic relationships differ from business and friend relationships. Business relationships are based on making a business successful. Friendship is based on respect and mutual interests. Romantic relationships are based on attraction and feelings.

Quite often, when the spark is gone a romance transforms into a friendship. I heard that after a few years, husbands love their wives as sisters. The romance is gone and they are looking for other options because feeling romantic is beautiful.

I will express my opinion which is based on my experience and the life stories I witnessed myself. I will start with rules and follow how you communicate these rules in your romantic relationships.

Rule #1

The real attraction happens when we are authentic. The moment you try for others to like you and change yourself you immediately lose. In order to stay attractive be yourself. Avoid changing yourself to just please others.

Rule #2

Respect your space and do not allow even the loved ones too close. That is not to say being cold. It is about keeping certain things just to yourself. Do not be an open book.


Respect your time and do not allow others to steal it from you, even your loved ones. Your time is the most valuable resource you have.

Rule #4

Be independent and have a mission, work and hobby. Do not dilute yourself in the romance.

Rule #5

Work on your allure. Be erotic.

Practical recommendations

In romantic relationships body language plays the main role. I will start with how to communicate in an erotic, alluring way. The key is eye contact. Look at your romantic partner with desire. Do not shy away, do not look elsewhere, and keep eye contact with your man/woman. The expression in your eyes will be louder than words.

Touch your partner with love, care and passion. Many people claim they are not touchy-feely. Well, this is not helpful in a romance. Touch can be so much more powerful than words.

You can also communicate with your choice of clothes and perfume, the way you walk and the way you move your body. Move slowly, and have open body language and a beautiful smile.

In romantic communication the way you say it outweighs what you say. Normally, I would suggest a slow pace, not too loud a voice and not too many words.

However, there can be situations in romantic relationships when you can feel angry. I say we should not be afraid to show our true feelings. I think shouting is perfectly normal. As long as it can end in a romantic way.

Avoid talking too much about trivial things, and your health problems. Watch an erotic film, or go to a gallery or theatre instead. Avoid looking scruffy. Do not groom yourself in front of your partner. Look and smell nice, always ready to be intimate. Avoid over-planning. Be spontaneous.

The biggest enemy of a romantic relationship is being too much in your head, overthinking, analysing, expecting and predicting.

Instead, switch off your brain and go into your feelings and sensations; smell, hear, taste and look and enjoy them to the full.

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