130. What are some ways to improve social skills and etiquette?

Good social skills and knowledge of etiquette will open doors and help you to become happy and successful.

Below are my tips:

  1. Do not be too forward - respect other people's space. Your friendly smile and open body language would signal that you welcome them to approach you. If you avoid eye contact and look tense/uptight you do not invite people to socialise with you. So make a video recording of yourself when you talk to others and pay attention to your eyes and gestures. Do you look friendly or hostile?

  2. It would be wise to avoid negative and sensitive, very personal topics that make people uncomfortable, such as age, sexual orientation, marital status, politics, religion, money. etc. Instead, start talking about something very general and try to find a common ground with a person or a group of people.

  3. When socialising with others try to feel positive, relaxed and calm and use humour.

  4. Avoid arguing, ask instead of demanding, be grateful.

  5. Get a book on etiquette in the country where you live and practise the rules of etiquette daily until it becomes your second nature.

  6. Do not talk too much, listen more. The value of active listening is that the person who you are listening to will like you and become open to listening to you. This way you can establish rapport with them. Concentrate on another person, try to understand them, rather than bombarding them with your thoughts.

  7. Before speaking, ask yourself the following questions: is what I am going to say interesting to my listeners, is my speech clear to understand and follow?
    When people are eager to share their thoughts with others they often get excited and speak without pauses which makes it hard to follow. Good communicators make pauses and allow listeners to absorb one idea at a time and get ready for the next one. When people communicate on an international level they might find that not many people understand their accent because they are not used to hearing it. As a result, they are often asked to repeat themselves which can be frustrating and embarrassing for both parties.
    You address mentioned above issues with the apps Elocution Lessons, Get Rid of your Accent, Fluent English Speech, Business English Speech, 4Ps, Power, Pitch, Pace, Pause, American Accent App, and Fluent American Speech.

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