117. History behind Get Rid of your Accent brand

By Olga Smith, the co-author of the books in the series Get Rid of your Accent and the founder fo the brand

Speech workshop by Olga Smith

I joined the oldest public speaking club in London in 2004. People in my club were seasoned public speakers with very sophisticated English. I, on the other hand, had a very quiet voice, a strong foreign accent and monotonous speech. I felt I would definitely benefit if I improve my pronunciation and someone in the club recommended that I take elocution lessons. The elements of elocution are voice control, articulation and good pronunciation. Exactly what I needed to become a good public speaker. I started my elocution lessons with a top London speech tutor Linda James in 2004 and fell in love with her method. I found it practical, very useful and enjoyable. I have decided to make Linda's method available to a much wider audience. In 2006, together with Linda, we co-authored our first Speech Training Manual with audiotracks Get Rid of your Accent. Later we produced books and courses for different levels of English, Public Speaking and Business English. Then we converted our books into apps. In order to make our courses complete and offer a total solution to speech mastery, we finally created amazing video courses to accompany our apps and books.  

In 2006, I set up a company BaTCS, Business and Technical Communication Services specialising in products and services for people who want to have a high level of English speech and become competent public speakers.

We started doing workshops in corporations and banks in the city of London, in English language schools (EFL) and in colleges in London. Our books and apps are used in the famous School of Speech and Drama in London. EFL teachers use them with their students.

We offer individual lessons and courses for top-level professionals in London and on Skype worldwide.