5. How often and for how long should you practise with elocution books and apps

By Olga Smith

Very often many of our clients ask us: how many lessons do they need with a teacher?

How often and for how long do they need to do exercises from our elocution books and apps to neutralise their foreign or regional accent?

Our answer is this: 

  1. Have elocution lessons once or twice a week with a qualified speech tutor. Many of our students told us that when they practice on their own they do not always know their starting point, what exactly they are doing wrong and what is the best way to improve. The teacher with save you time to achieve your goal.

  2. Practice daily. 15 min in the morning, 15 min after lunch and 15 min in the evening. Incremental progress is the key to success. It’s better to do it regularly for a short 1-15 minutes, rather than once a week for a couple of hours.

  3. Focus on one sound for 3 days. It is believed that to eliminate a mistake you have to repeat it correctly 300 times.

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