82. Posture speaks louder than words

By Olga Smith


22 December 2020
By Olga Smith

One of my friends went to a polo match where Prince William and Hurry were playing. She said that they were the only ones who played with a straight back, the rest of the players were slouching on a horse in the attempt to hit the ball. Indeed, good posture and straight back are associated with Royal bearing.

Below are the advantages of having good posture:

  1. People with good posture look powerful and graceful.

  2. Good posture is a sign of balance in your body which ensures good blood circulation and high energy.

  3. Good posture helps you to own the room you walk into and create an impression of a confident person.

  4. People with good posture can look straight and create good eye contact.

Bad posture is a sign of imbalance in your body and mind.  Bad posture can lead to tension in your body and health problems in future.  No wonder that bad posture is associated with lack of confidence, bad health, unhappy life and low spirit. The main characteristics of bad posture are:

  1. Slouching

  2. Body tilted backwards or forwards

  3. Lifted shoulders

  4. Looking down

  5. Toes pointing left and right, looking like a penguin

  6. Both toes pointing inside and heels pointing outside

  7. One shoulder is higher than the other

  8. Hunched back

  9. Humping on one leg

    In our book Get Rid of your Accent Part Two and in the app Power, Pitch, Pace, Pause we talk about posture preparation as part of working on your voice power. The basis for all speech is breath and before starting breathing exercises we recommend that you always check your posture. Below is a checklist for having good posture:

    1. Your back is straight

    2. Your shoulders are relaxed and look even height

    3. Your chin is parallel to the floor

    4. Your toes are pointing forward, not outwards or inwards

    5. You put your weight mostly on the balls of your feet.

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