104. What speech tells us about a person?

In our elocution lessons we help to master various elements of speech:

  • vocabulary

  • pronunciation

  • accent

  • dialect

  • articulation

  • intonation and inflection

  • power, pitch and pace of one’s voice

Let’s see what these speech elements tell us about a person.

Vocabulary can be broad or basic, professional or colloquial. “In England, accent and vocabulary can stamp a person’s identity like a brand”. People with broad vocabulary are perceived as well-read and well-educated. People who speak with standard English or RP (Received Pronunciation) are often associated with exclusive private schools and Universities and a superior class, whilst a strong Cockney accent with a working class. In the UK, accents and dialects can tell us where a person originates from North or South, Wales or Scotland.

Below are a few common traits in one’s speech that may infer a person's character or behaviour. This is not absolute and of course, there are exceptions to these generalisations.

For example, when people feel nervous they tend to rush their speech. Such speakers lack power and gravitas and a person might appear as one who trying hard to prove something to others. In order to build your confidence, it would be better to speak less.

Our voice power and confidence level often work together. When we speak loud enough we feel more confident, and when we feel confident we speak loud enough. Vice versa, when we lack confidence, our voice often automatically gets quieter.

Different patterns of intonation show different emotions. To name a few: aggression, excitement, indifference, anger, sadness, happiness and many others. Read our blog about the power of intonation.

Power, pitch and pace of one’s voice tell us about temperament, intellect and character. People who are calm and quiet often have measured pace.

Highly intelligent people often speak very fast as their mind is bubbling with ideas.

People who have a low pitched voice sound grounded, whilst people with high pitched voice may appear lighthearted and childish.

There are apps, books and video courses that help you to master your speech to become the best version of yourself:Get Rid of your Accent:, American Accent App, Fluent English Speech:, 4Ps, Power,Pitch,Pace,Pause.

Video Courses to master English speech:
Get Rid of your Accent Part One and Get Rid of your Accent Part Two

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