113. What habits should I develop to be more energetic?

My list of habits is based on my personal experience and I cannot guarantee it works for everyone, but it works for me. In order to feel energetic I do the following:

  1. Go to bed before 11.30 pm and ensure a good night's sleep of 7-9 hours. I perform Sundo belly button tapping and healing, stretching and toe-tapping

  2. A slow run or a walk in fresh air, a fast run takes my energy away and makes me tired, but a slow run or a walk improves my blood circulation and I feel great

  3. Set up daily goals and ticking boxes once I achieved them

  4. Communicate with people who I love and love me and make me laugh

  5. Eat delicious fresh food: mainly fresh seafood, salads and fruits

  6. Attend classical music concerts

  7. Swimming in the sea and pools

  8. Having short naps during the day

  9. Do things at a well-measured pace without rushing

  10. Planning activities well

It is equally important to remove certain activities from our lives in order to not waste or lose energy. I avoid:

  1. Alcohol

  2. Watching TV

  3. Shopping

  4. Talking too much and doing little

  5. Rushing, hustle and bustle

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